Epidemic Prevention Area
Epidemic Prevention Area
Epidemic Prevention Area

Counseling Appointment
Counseling Appointment

Career Development

Career Development

In the 1980s, renowned American career development scholar Donald Super proposed the theory of career development stages. He suggested that individuals aged 15 to 24 are in the exploration stage, which is the stage where university students are currently. Career exploration at this stage often revolves around three major themes: "Who am I?", "Where am I going?" and "How do I get there?"

Career Exploration Stage - "Who am I?"

Do you understand yourself? Do you know where your interests lie?
The biggest task in the career exploration stage is self-exploration, understanding where your interests lie.
At this stage, it is necessary to explore personal interests, abilities, and career values, and clarify "Who am I", "What do I want to do" and "What can I do".
What can I do at this time?
Engage with different fields of interest, seek out what you want to do,
or use career interest tests to help explore personal interests.

II. Career Choice Stage - "Where am I going?"

Are you passionate about the department you are studying in? Does the department you are studying in align with your interests and abilities?
Continuing from the three aspects of career exploration, the overlap of interests, abilities, and values is the ideal career direction.
What can I do at this time?
Career development includes the cultivation of various academic and employment competencies. You can conduct self-assessments to check whether your professional learning in this department aligns with your interests, understand the future prospects of this department, and further establish your future career direction.
If you are feeling confused and troubled about your career direction, you can discuss with the counselors at the center!

III. Career Planning Stage - "How do I get there?"

Have you ever thought about what you want to do after graduation? Or are you still clueless about future planning?
Career planning is like drawing a specific map for yourself, setting the path for future career development.
What can I do at this time?
Prepare for your career, understand the type of profession you want to engage in the future, collect the abilities required for related work, start accumulating the abilities required for the profession, continue to cultivate employment abilities after graduation, to facilitate a smooth transition to the workplace.

Our center provides career testing resources "MAPA Personality and Employment Evaluation System". This test can help you understand yourself and match jobs. If students are interested, they can take the test online. If you need to interpret the test results, please contact the counseling center, and we will arrange for the interpretation of the test results for you.

Handbook for Counseling Work in Universities and Colleges (First Edition) (2014).
Youth Development Agency, Ministry of Education

Career Resources

At different stages of life, we have different considerations. For instance, when you were in high school, your goal might have been to get into a university. Once you're in university, what's your next step? Do you want to continue studying in graduate school, or do you want to find a job?

If you don't have an answer yet, consider seeking advice or referring to some information to explore your career direction!

Jamie's Story

Over the past year or so, Jamie has had a colorful university life. Although it was a bit overwhelming, he was indeed very happy. This semester, he noticed that his classmates' attitudes towards class seemed to be different from the previous semester, becoming more focused, and the time spent on reports and preparing for coursework seemed to gradually increase. Jamie then realized... a year has already passed, and he seemed to feel a bit empty inside.

Although Jamie still has more than two years before graduation, seeing the efforts of his classmates, he couldn't help but start thinking about his future direction. Should he take the graduate school entrance exam? Or does he want to try some jobs first? He found that he didn't seem to be picky about what type of job, as long as there was a job to do, but he always felt that this attitude made him unsatisfied. Moreover, his family had some opinions about his career, and Jamie didn't know whether it was better to listen to his family or make his own decisions. If his choice was not ideal, he was not sure whether he could bear it.
How to decide the next step? The more he thought about it, the more headache Jamie got, and he had insomnia that night...

Jamie's Next Step

Jamie, who had a sudden inspiration, remembered the MAPA test in the Life Education course in his freshman year, so he quickly searched for the test results online. He didn't understand some parts, so he went to the Counseling Center to discuss with the teacher, and also did other tests, gradually understanding that the department he is currently studying in matches his interests.

Jamie also found rich information on the school's "Career Development" website, which can further understand himself and the workplace, so he quickly used his free time to visit these linked web pages. After actively collecting relevant information about the workplace, Jamie found that the nature of the work he could do in the future was quite consistent with his current professional abilities, values, and parents' expectations, so he decided to continue working hard in his field of study, and use club activities and part-time job opportunities to enhance his ability to work and interact with others.

In addition, Jamie also tried to participate in various activities and lectures organized by the school, allowing himself to touch more aspects outside of coursework, in order to enhance his practical ability in the future workplace.